About sarah + the psalty wild

Hi, I’m Sarah Schortz

(a.k.a. Zan)

The Creatrix behind The Psalty Wild

It’s been over ten years now, since The Psalty Wild was born.

I was running in a pine forest near the sea, hundreds of miles from my worries and responsibilities- feeling so Psalty - so free, so wild, so connected to my soulful self, to nature and to Spirit.

Knowing as a recreation therapist how vital these peak experiences are for our emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing as humans, I wondered how we might make regular space in our ordinary, everyday lives to tap into this delicious state of being, reclaiming Psaltyness as a sacred right of our existence rather than a state we experience but once or twice a year on holiday or travel.

When I first began, I experienced this Psalty Wild space most noticeably while moving my body in the outdoors.  I did not yet know that this state of being had been named many times over the course of human existence. 

I’ve since heard it called flow, peak state, trance state, euphoria, a meditative state…  Whatever you call it, you’ll know the feeling as the one you get while doing something that sets your soul to singing.  One may tap into it doing any manner of activity they love.  Maybe you have felt it while dancing, or writing, painting or singing, looking at a beautiful sunset or piece of art, attending a gathering or listening to a song. We each find our own way to experience The Psalty Wild, because it is the expression of our unique souls.

Whatever it is that stirs the Psalty Wild in you - run to it, do more of it, practice it as if your life depends on it.  Because it is the doorway to a wild, full, adventurous, bold, joyful, wonder-full life, whatever that means for you.

So how do we have more of those Psalty Wild experiences in our day to day lives?

Well, that is just what I have dedicated my life to for my own wild, awe-some life + for yours.

Through my writing, workshops, 1:1 guidance and reiki work I help others discover their inner wild + create lives that help them live in rhythm with the earth + their own wild soul- that we may all exist in this state as much as is humanly possible.

Welcome to The Psalty Wild.