Check out all the ways we can work together💜

Guided Tapping Magic

EFT // Tapping

Tapping is a magical process that allows you to acknowledge your challenging thoughts, beliefs, feelings + experience with compassion AND begin to shift towards what you want for yourself.

Tap your way towards the peaceful, joyful life you desire with an intuitively guided tapping session!


Intuitive coaching Options

A Supportive + Compassionate Guide Helping You:

  • Discover what makes your soul sing

  • Clear the blocks keeping you stuck

  • Create the life you desire


Healing Reiki Therapy

Spend a peaceful hour receiving the healing energy of pure love.

Reiki is a beautiful gentle way to calm the mind, sooth challenging emotions, + support healing of any kind

In person + virtual options available


Private Yoga Sessions

Find joy + ease in your body in an environment of curiosity, compassion and non-judgment with Psalty Yoga!


Restorative Nature Experiences for mind, body + soul

  • Psalty Hikes- slow down, connect to nature + destress with a laid back group wander through the woods.

  • Forest Therapy- Slow down, rest + wander, awaken your senses + let nature be your guide